About us

Slalom enterprise by using its Long term experience in demonstration and advertising is in place to offer:

  • Imaginative and practical design
  • Special manufacturing
  • Quality in materials
  • Long term experience in manufacturing
  • Constant updating that have to do with the needs  of the market by using (sample)advertising gifts
  • Punctuality (consequence)

Qualities that describe us (Qualities that we have)


Our company was founded in 1988 and since then it has been activated to the importation and the trade of business promotion objects, keeping a part of our production for special manufactures and direct deliveries.
We export many cooler bags & bags to all countries from quantity 100pcs on the part of the special manufacture.
We promote the logo of the company printed or embroidered to objects that we choose with you (according to the needs of the company) and we ensure a productive commercial.